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Updates: October 2023

October's new features, updates and enhancements

Laura Cronin avatar
Written by Laura Cronin
Updated over a week ago




We have merged our Keyword Explorer and Keyword Tool features! Now, everything you need for your keyword research can be found in the Keyword Tool. Find it under "Tools" in the main menu. In the new-and-improved Keyword Tool, you will find four different tabs: Related Searches, SERP Analysis, Top Tags, and Top Listings. The "Keyword Statistics," "Search Trend," and "Searchers by Country" graphs are still there for your research needs.

Did you know that eRank also supports other marketplaces, with the newest addition being Pinterest? Click the dropdown menu to the left of the search box in the Keyword Tool to see the list of marketplaces that eRank provides keyword data for. Pinterest is an image-based social media platform. Users can search for aesthetic inspiration and even create "boards" that serve as virtual vision boards. This is a great place to post visually appealing images of your items. You can even post "pins" that link directly to your listings!

Want to see if your Etsy listings are getting traffic from social media? If you have Google Analytics 4 set up for your shop, use the new "Social" tab in our Traffic Stats feature to view how many of your listings' visitors are coming from Facebook and Pinterest. You can also view the date and time of day those visits occurred. Learn how to set up Google Analytics 4 for your Etsy shop here.

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