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Updates: May 2023
Anthony Wolf avatar
Written by Anthony Wolf
Updated over a week ago




Added graph showing estimated monthly sales for the past 15 months for all shops. Available to Pro and Expert members.

Added Export button so you can export your Spotted on Etsy data (paid plan members only).

You can now view keyword stats for the USA, UK, France, Canada, Australia, Germany, and European Union.

We added estimated number of sales, revenue, and conversion rate for each listing.

Pro and Expert plan members can now analyze up to 500 listings from any shop.

You can now see keyword trends for these marketplaces:

  • Elo7 (Brazil)

  • Zazzle (USA)

  • Asos (Europe/UK)

  • Cdiscount (France)

  • Mercardo Libre (LATAM)

  • Otto (Germany)

  • Woolworths (Australia)

In the Top Listings section, now you can also view Est. Sales and Est. Revenue data for each listing.

We've added a checkbox beside each tag in the Keyword Ideas table so you can select and copy them to a clipboard.

Added a Sales Trend bar graph to the Top Sellers chart showing each shop's est. monthly sales for the past 15 months. Available to Pro and Expert members.

German language support

Added German language support to eRank. We now support the following languages:

  • English

  • French

  • German

  • Turkish

  • Ukrainian

Listing Audit

You can now see the Listing Audit page for any Etsy listing by pasting the URL or listing ID into the "Look up any listing" box.

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