Your Dashboard highlights opportunities to improve your Etsy shop and provides statistics on keyword trends as well as your listings, sales, and competitors.
Your eRank dashboard gives you an overview of your Etsy shop, identifies areas to improve, and allows quick access to tools that will help you revise your listings. The sidebar on the right keeps you updated on eRank’s blog posts, trending keywords, upcoming postal holidays, and more.
How to use
Think of the Dashboard as your homepage on eRank. You will be directed here immediately after logging into your account.
We highly recommend that you connect your Etsy shop to eRank. Once you connect your shop, you'll be able to access more information with our tools.
If you have multiple Etsy shops, you can connect them to eRank at no additional charge. To do this, click your shop’s icon in the bottom left corner of your screen. Then, click "Connect Another Shop" in the pop-up menu.
Please note that there is a limit to how many Etsy shops you can connect to your eRank account. Free members can connect one shop, Basic members can connect up to five shops, Pro members can connect up to 10 shops, and Expert members can connect up to 100 shops.
Click the eRank logo in the top left corner of your screen at any time to return to your dashboard.
Click the green "Refresh Data" button in the top right corner of the page at any time for eRank to scan your shop and refresh your shop’s data displayed on the dashboard. For the most up-to-date stats, we recommend that you refresh your data each time you log in.
The "Sales" section displays the number of sales your shop has had since it opened.
The "Global Sales Rank" and "Sales Rank (National)" sections display your shop’s ranks based on the number of sales it has had since it opened. Click either of these links to open our Shop Info tool and view more information about your shop and where it ranks.
Shop Stats
This section provides an overview of your listings. Use this section to view the following information:
Stat | What It Means |
Active Listings | The number of active listings currently in your shop.
Click the link to open our Listing Audits tool and learn more about the performance of the top active listings in your shop. Learn more about Listing Audits here |
Spotted on Etsy | The number of your listings eRank found on Etsy during keyword searches in the last 24 hours.
Click the link to open our Spotted on Etsy tool and view keywords that your items are currently ranking for. Learn more about Spotted on Etsy here |
Inventory Value | The estimated total value of your Etsy stock based on your listing price and the quantity available. |
Unique Tags Used | The number of unique tags used in all the listings in your shop.
Click the link to open our Tag Report tool, where you can view and analyze all of the tags from your shop's top listings. Learn more about Tag Report here |
Health Check
This section lets you know if your listings are missing any vital components. Any statistic displayed in red indicates a potential opportunity to improve an aspect of your listings. Click any link in this section or "See Full Report" to open our Health Check tool and view all of your shop's listings that may be missing important information.
Stat | What It Means |
Missing Tags | The number of listings that do not use all 13 tags. |
Missing Images | The number of listings that have fewer than 10 images. |
One-word Tags | The number of one-word tags in your listings. We recommend using multi-word tags whenever possible. A multi-word phrase like “opal ring” is stronger than “opal” and “ring” entered as two separate tags because it targets a more specific group of shoppers. |
Spelling Issues | The number of listings that eRank detects may have possible spelling issues. |
Sales Comparison
Use this section to compare your sales to the sales of other shops you follow using our Competitor Sales tool. Use this tool to track competitors' sales and compare your shop's traffic to theirs. Click "See Daily Sales" to open Competitor Sales and view more information about the shops you're following.
Click any shop to open our Top Sellers on Etsy tool and view more information about the shop and where it ranks.
Listing Change Tracker
Use this section to monitor changes to your tracked listings. Click any listing's title to open the Listing Changes tool and view the changes eRank has recorded for that listing since you started tracking it. Click "See All Listing Changes" to view, sort, and edit your active listings. You can also start tracking and stop tracking changes to listings here.
Top Keywords
Use this section to view the top five keywords shoppers used to find your listings. Click any keyword or "See More" to open the Traffic Stats tool and view more keywords that are bringing traffic to your listings.
Country Stats
View the location of the people who have found your shop.
Traffic Sources
View your shop's top traffic sources.
Spotted on Etsy
Use this section to view listings from your shop that eRank found in the top two pages in Etsy search results, the keyword shoppers used to find each listing, and where each listing has ranked for its corresponding keyword over the past 30 days. Click any search term to open Keyword Tool, where you can view a detailed analysis of that particular term. Click "See All Spotted Listings" to open the Spotted on Etsy tool.
Superstar Keywords
Use this section to view your Superstar Keywords along with their 15-month search trend graphs and average number of searches per month. Click any search term to open Keyword Tool, where you can view a detailed analysis of that particular term. Click "Edit Keywords" to open the Spotted on Etsy tool, where you can edit your Superstar Keywords and see where your listings appear in search results for those particular terms.
Most Sales on Etsy
Use this section to view the shops with the most sales on Etsy yesterday. Choose the country that you would like to view data from at the top of the section. Click any shop's name or "See Top 100 Sellers" to open the Top Sellers on Etsy tool and view more information about that shop and other top-ranking shops.
Right sidebar
Trending In Your Category
Use this section to view the top 10 trending keywords in your shop's category. If you connected more than one shop to eRank, this section displays the top 10 trending keywords in the category of the shop you're currently viewing. Hover your cursor over the bars of any keyword's graph to see how its sales volume has changed over the past 15 months. Click any search term to open Keyword Tool, where you can view a detailed analysis of that particular term. Click "See All Categories" to open Monthly Trends, where you can browse the most popular Etsy keywords in over a dozen categories.
eRank Blog
Use this section to stay up-to-date on the latest blog posts from eRank experts and get the most out of Etsy and eRank.
Listing Audit
Use this section to open our Listing Audit feature and run an in-depth analysis of any listing's images, tags, description, and more. This feature shows you how well the listing complies with the guidelines found in Etsy’s The Ultimate Guide to Etsy Search and Google Search Essentials.
Trending on Etsy
Use this section to see which keywords shoppers in various countries have been searching for on Etsy this past week. Choose the country that you would like to view data from at the top of the section. Click any keyword to open the Keyword Tool, where you can view a detailed analysis of that particular term.
Upcoming Events
Use this section to view upcoming holidays from around the world. Click "View Full Calendar" to open the Calendar tool and view holidays by month. This tool also provides the top 100 keywords for the displayed month from the previous year.
Who can use this?
This feature is available to all eRank members.
We'd love to hear what you think of this feature. Feel free to click the button below to check out our Facebook group. Start a discussion, exchange ideas, or ask questions. Someone friendly is always there to help you!