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Traffic Stats

See how shoppers are finding your listings through Etsy search, Etsy Ads, Pinterest, and Facebook.

Anthony Wolf avatar
Written by Anthony Wolf
Updated over a week ago

Traffic Stats shows you how shoppers are finding your listings through Etsy search, Etsy Ads, social media, and other websites.

If you add Google Analytics tracking to your Etsy shop, eRank will make it easy for you to discover what your best Etsy keywords are!


Use this feature to see which keywords are helping shoppers find your listings. View the search terms that were used to find your listings and see how high your listings ranked for each search term.

The parts of your tags and titles that match the search term being analyzed are highlighted in yellow. This helps you see if the traffic was brought to your listing via an exact match or a partial match.

How to connect

Step 1: (If you already have Google Analytics tracking set up for your Etsy shop, you can skip this step) Connect your Etsy shop to Google Analytics. Step-by-step instructions for this can be found here.

Step 2: Connect your eRank account to Google Analytics. Head over to your eRank Dashboard, click the "Setup" button in the "Traffic Stats" section, and follow the prompts.

Please note that it may take up to 5 minutes to fetch your data from Google Analytics. Data prior to the day you added Google Analytics tracking to your shop will not be available.

How to use

In the Main Menu, select "Shop Insights" and then "Traffic Stats."

Etsy tab

Use the table under the "Etsy" tab to view the following information:


What It Means

Keywords (Listings)

The keywords that shoppers used to find each listing.


The total visits each listing received for each keyword.

Position on Etsy

The average rank of each listing for each keyword.

Traffic source

This tells you if the traffic was from an Etsy ad or organic search within Etsy.

Use the dropdown menu above to select the date range for which you would like to analyze the traffic.

Use the "Filter..." field above to filter specific keywords that shoppers used to find your listings.

Click any keyword to view all of the listings that were visited via that specific term. The parts of the listings’ tags and titles that match the search term being analyzed will be highlighted in yellow.

Click the gray star next to any keyword to add it to a keyword list (linked via the floating blue button at the bottom of the page).

Click any tag within a listing to open the Keyword Tool, where you can view a detailed analysis of that search term.

Social tab

This table shows you how much of your listings' traffic came from Facebook and Pinterest. Use it to view the following information:


What It Means


Listings of yours that shoppers found via Facebook or Pinterest.


The total visits each listing received.


The date the listing was visited.

Traffic source

This tells you if the traffic was from Facebook or Pinterest.

Others tab

This table is structured identically to the one under the Social tab. However, it shows you how much of your listings' traffic came from other online sources -- Instagram, YouTube, personal blogs, or anywhere else on the internet.


Click any listing title or the blue "View Traffic Stats" button to view 4 different keyword reports for that listing.

Use these reports to take a closer look at the keywords that led shoppers to individual listings. You can view the following information:

Organic Search Report & Etsy Ads Report


What It Means


The keywords that shoppers used to find each listing.


The estimated number of visits from each keyword.

Found in Title

This indicates whether or not the keyword is found in the listing’s title.

Found in Tags

This indicates whether or not the keyword is found in the listing’s tags.

Most Recent Visit

The date of the most recent visit from each keyword.

Pinterest Report


What It Means


The date the listing was visited.


The number of visits on that date.


The pin that sent the buyer to the listing.

Facebook Report


What It Means


The date the listing was visited.


The number of visits on that date.

Click the orange "Listing Audit" button above the report to run an in-depth analysis of its images, tags, description, and more. This feature shows you how well your listing complies with the guidelines found in Etsy’s The Ultimate Guide to Etsy Search and Google Search Essentials.

Click the blue "Edit on Etsy" button to edit that listing on Etsy.

Who can use this?

This tool is available to all eRank members.

We'd love to hear what you think of this feature. Feel free to click the button below to check out our Facebook group. Start a discussion, exchange ideas, or ask questions. Someone friendly is always there to help you!

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