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Tool Guides
A collection of guides to all of our tools.
DashboardAn overview of the eRank dashboard and how to use it.
Keyword ToolSee how popular keywords are on Etsy and other platforms -- and discover new keywords to use in your listings' titles and tags!
Bulk Keyword Tool
Keyword ListsSave and group keywords alongside their latest search data.
Compare KeywordsCompare the traffic statistics of up to four keywords at once to gain insight into their Etsy competition, average clicks, and more.
Bulk Rank CheckerSee if your listings appear within the first two pages of Etsy search results for up to 20 different search terms.
Rank CheckerSee what the average user sees in Etsy search results without personalization or promoted listings.
Competitor SalesTrack your competitors' estimated daily, weekly, monthly, and total sales.
Competitor ListingsAnalyze any Etsy shop's most recently updated listings.
Competitor TagsView the competition, search volume, clicks, Etsy competition, and more of your competitors' tags.
Top SellersCheck out Etsy’s top-selling shops in 15 different categories and see who had the most sales yesterday.
Shop InfoView important statistics about any Etsy shop (including your own), see where it ranks, and gain insight into its success.
Listings Reports
Listing Audit (Located Within Listing Reports)Perform an audit of any listing to see how well it complies with the guidelines in Etsy’s Seller Handbook and Google Search Essentials.
Listing AuditsView the performance of the top listings in your shop and inspect areas that may need improvement.
Listing ChangesView changes to your listings’ titles, tags, price, quantity available, total views, and total favorites.
Compare ListingsCompare various statistics of up to four Etsy listings.
Draft ListingsAnalyze the listings you have saved as drafts in your Etsy shop and check out eRank's tips for optimizing each one before you publish it.
AI Listing HelperBeat writer's block with the help of AI
Health CheckView any listings in your shop that are missing key components, contain potential spelling issues, or contain one-word tags.
Expired ListingsView your shop's expired listings and edit as needed before renewing them.
Tag ReportView and analyze all of the tags from your shop's top listings.
Delivery StatusTrack your Etsy orders from pre-transit to delivery.
Sales MapView the geographic origins of your most recent 300 orders.
Spell CheckerView potential spelling errors in your Etsy listings’ tags and make corrections as needed.
Traffic StatsSee how shoppers are finding your listings through Etsy search, Etsy Ads, Pinterest, and Facebook.
Spotted on EtsyView keywords your items are ranking for and how popular they are.
Category ToolIdentify the most popular and relevant categories for your products.
ROI CalculatorEstimate important metrics for your Etsy Ads such as return on investment (ROI), cost per click (CPC), and click through rate (CTR).
Profit CalculatorEstimate the cost of creating and selling your items.
CalendarView postal holidays from around the world and see the top keywords from the previous year for any month.
Shortcut ButtonNavigate to eRank to analyze any Etsy shop or listing with just one click.
Site InfoLearn about how different websites get their traffic, their backlinks, SEO
keywords, and more.
Site ListsCreate lists of online marketplaces to monitor and compare their historical ranks, popularity metrics, and traffic sources.
Compare SitesLook up different marketplaces and compare their historical ranks, popularity metrics, and traffic sources.