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Compare Keywords

Compare the traffic statistics of up to four keywords at once to gain insight into their Etsy competition, average clicks, and more.

Anthony Wolf avatar
Written by Anthony Wolf
Updated over 2 months ago

Compare Keywords lets you compare the traffic statistics of up to four keywords at once to gain insight into their Etsy competition, average clicks, average click-through rate, and more.

Access other relevant keyword reports above the graph.


Use this feature to evaluate your keywords in batches and save time.

Compare Google and Etsy stats and view the number of monthly searches for each keyword plotted on both a 12-month line graph and 15-month bar chart. These visuals help you identify trends over time for each keyword so that you can choose the ones that work best for your items throughout the year.

How to use

In the Main Menu, select "Keyword Research" and then "Compare Keywords."

Type up to 4 keywords into the 4 fields in the green bar below and click the orange "Compare" button. Enter one keyword per field.


Use the line graph to view the number of monthly searches for each keyword over the past 12 months. Viewing the data in this format makes it easy to determine if a keyword is seasonal or trending.

Uncheck the box next to any keyword above the graph to hide that data.

Keyword table

Use the table below the graph to view the following information:


What It Means


The terms you searched. Click the gray star next to any term to add it to one of your Keyword Lists. Take a shortcut to your most recently edited list by clicking the floating green button in the bottom left corner of the page. Learn more about Keyword Lists here

Average Searches (US)*

The average monthly searches for each keyword on Etsy by people living in the US, based on the past 12 months of Etsy data.

Average Clicks (US)*

The average monthly clicks that listings in searches for each keyword get on Etsy, based on the past 12 months of Etsy data.

Average CTR (US)*

The ratio of clicks to searches for each keyword on Etsy (shown as a percentage), based on the past 12 months of Etsy data.

Etsy Competition (US)*

How much competition you can expect with each keyword on Etsy search results pages.

Search Trend

These interactive graphs display each keyword’s changes in popularity over the past 15 months. From this data, you can get a sense of a keyword’s seasonality and whether it is becoming more or less popular.

Google Searches

The estimated number of searches performed on Google each month for each keyword. Google search data is also useful for your website and helps you understand broader user interest levels, keywords, and products. Please note that this statistic is only available for USA data.

Long Tail Keywords

Long tail keywords are keywords or key phrases that are more specific than more commonly searched-for keywords. Long tail keywords get less search traffic, but will usually have a higher conversion value.

Analyze Listings

This link will take you to our Keyword Tool, where you can perform a detailed analysis of the top 100 listings found in Etsy search results for that keyword. Learn more about Keyword Tool here

*This data is color-coded as follows:


The average number of monthly searches, clicks, or CTR for the tag is very high.

A green Etsy competition bar means that competition with the tag on Etsy is very low


The average number of monthly searches, clicks, or CTR for the tag is high.

A yellow Etsy competition bar means that competition with the tag on Etsy is low


The average number of monthly searches, clicks, or CTR for the tag is low.

An orange Etsy competition bar means that competition with the tag on Etsy is high


The average number of monthly searches, clicks, or CTR for the tag is very low.

A red Etsy competition bar means that competition with the tag on Etsy is very high.

Who can use this?

This feature is available to all eRank members.

Free members can do up to 5 keyword comparisons per day, Basic members can do up to 25 keyword comparisons per day, Pro members can do up to 50 keyword comparisons per day, and Expert members can do up to 200 keyword comparisons per day.

Please note that Free members are only able to view limited data.

We'd love to hear what you think of this feature. Feel free to click the button below to check out our Facebook group. Start a discussion, exchange ideas, or ask questions. Someone friendly is always there to help you!

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