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Tag Report

View and analyze all of the tags from your shop's top listings.

Anthony Wolf avatar
Written by Anthony Wolf
Updated over a week ago

Tag Report analyzes your most recently updated listings’ tags and shows you how often you use each one, how much competition each has, search volumes, and more.


Use this feature to assess the quality of your tags and determine if you are using tags with a variety of competitive levels.

You will also be able to see if specific tags are over- or under-utilized. In addition to Etsy search data, you can view Google Searches and Google Competition for each tag.

How to use

In the Main Menu, select "Shop Insights" and then "Tag Report."

The number of listings that we process from your shop depends on your eRank plan.


Number Of Listings Processed


Up to 50 listings


Up to 200 listings


Up to 4,000 listings


Up to 5,000 listings

View the total number of tags from your listings that were analyzed at the top of the page.

Click the orange "Refresh Data" button below to ensure that the data displayed is up-to-date.

Use the dropdown menu in the blue bar to select which country you would like to view keyword data from.

Use the report to view the following information for each tag:


What It Means


Click on any tag to open eRank’s Keyword Tool feature, which helps you find other high-performing keywords related to that term. Learn more about Keyword Tool here

Click the star next to any keyword to add it to one of your Keyword Lists. Take a shortcut to your most recently edited list by clicking the floating blue button in the bottom left corner of the page. Learn more about Keyword Lists here

Tag Occurrences

How many times the tag appears in your shop’s listings.

Average Searches

The average number of monthly searches for that keyword on Etsy by shoppers in the USA, based on the past 12 months of Etsy data.

Average Clicks

The average number of monthly clicks that listings in searches for that keyword get on Etsy, based on the past 12 months of Etsy data.

Average CTR

CTR, or click-through rate, indicates the average number of monthly clicks that listings in searches for that keyword get on Etsy, based on the past 12 months of Etsy data.

Etsy Competition

How much competition you can expect with this keyword on Etsy search results pages.

Search Trend

This indicates how the popularity of the keyword changed over the past 15 months. Use this statistic to predict what times of the year the tag will increase and decrease in popularity.

Google Searches

The estimated number of searches for the keyword performed on Google each month. Please note that this statistic is only available for USA data.

Use the "Filter..." field in the blue bar to filter specific tags.

Who can use this?

This tool is available to all eRank members.

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