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Category Tool

Identify the most popular and relevant categories for your products.

Anthony Wolf avatar
Written by Anthony Wolf
Updated over a week ago

The Category Tool helps you identify the most popular and relevant categories for your products.


Etsy recommends adding a specific category to each product to increase its chances of showing up in shoppers' search results. Finding the most suitable categories “explains” to Etsy what your products are and further optimizes them for Etsy search.

How to use

In the Main Menu, select "Tools" and then "Category Tool."

Enter a brief description of your item. If you are unsure of which terms to use to describe your item, try using its "Superstar Keyword" phrase. Then, click the "Lookup" button.

eRank will analyze the top 100 listings found for the keywords you entered.

Use the list provided to view the most popular categories and subcategories for the terms you chose. If you would like to do further research, try looking up other descriptive phrases that fit your listing and see if they yield different results.

Recommended reading

To learn more about Etsy’s categories and sub-categories, read the Etsy Seller Handbook article about categories here.

Who can use this?

This tool is available to all eRank members.

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