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Compare Listings

Compare various statistics of up to four Etsy listings.

Anthony Wolf avatar
Written by Anthony Wolf
Updated over 2 months ago

Use Compare Listings to compare various statistics of up to four Etsy listings.


Doing a side-by-side comparison helps you identify differences between well-performing and poorly-performing listings.

How to use

In the Main Menu, select "Listing Optimization" and then "Compare Listings."

Type up to 4 Listing URLs or Listing IDs (the number to the right of "" in any listing's URL) into the green bar.


Use the dropdown menu below to choose which country you would like to view data from.

Then, click the orange "Compare" button to compare the stats of the listings.

Free members can use this feature up to 25 times a day, Basic members can use this feature up to 50 times a day, Pro members can use this feature up to 200 times a day, and Expert members can use this feature up to 500 times a day.

Use the top section to view each listing’s main image and title.

Click the orange "Listing Audit" button to perform a comprehensive audit of that listing.

Click the "See on Etsy" button to view that listing on Etsy.

Use the two tables below to view and compare the following stats of each listing:


What It Means

Daily Views

The average number of views per day the listing has had since it was originally published on Etsy.

Total Views

The number of views the listing has had since it was originally published on Etsy.

Listing Age

The number of days since the listing was created.

Total Hearts

The number of hearts (favorites) the listing has had since it was published on Etsy.

Quantity Available

The total number of units of the item the shop that sells it has in stock.

Processing Time

The length of time it takes to prepare and ship the item.

Image Count

The number of images the listing has.

Estimated Sales

The approximate number of times shoppers have purchased the listing.

Listing Price

The price of the item. Please note that, if the item has differently-priced variations, only the price of the least expensive variation will appear in this column.

Estimated Revenue

The approximate amount of revenue made over the life of the listing.

Estimated Conversion Rate

The ratio between the number of people who made a purchase and the number of people who clicked on the listing. So, if your listing generated 10 sales after 1000 people clicked on it, its conversion rate is 1%. The higher a listing's conversion rate, the better.

Use the three sections at the bottom of the page to view more stats that may be helpful when evaluating the listings.


View the date each listing was created, as well as the date it was last modified and the date it expires.


View all of the categories and subcategories selected for each listing.


View all of the tags for each listing. Click any tag to open the Keyword Tool and learn about that particular keyword’s average searches, average clicks, Etsy competition, and more.

Click the gray star next to any term to add it to one of your Keyword Lists.

Take a shortcut to your most recently edited list by clicking the floating green button in the bottom left corner of the page.

Want to copy an item's tags and paste them into one of your listings? Click the copy icon in the bottom right corner of the tag section. This will save the terms to your clipboard, separated by commas.

Who can use this?

This tool is available to all eRank members.

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