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Listing Changes

View changes to your listings’ titles, tags, price, quantity available, total views, and total favorites.

Anthony Wolf avatar
Written by Anthony Wolf
Updated over 2 weeks ago

The Listing Changes tool takes daily snapshots of your active listings and records changes to your listings’ titles, tags, price, quantity available, total views, and total favorites.


Use this feature to see changes you have made to a listing’s titles and tags and determine whether or not they are increasing the listing’s views, favorites, or sales.

How to use

1. Choose Which Listings to Track

In the Main Menu, select "Listing Optimization" and then "Changes."

Free members can view their top 50 active listings, Basic members can view their top 200 active listings, Pro members can view their top 4000 active listings, and Expert members can view their top 5000 active listings.

Use this report to view each listing's main image, title, and SKU. A SKU is a unique ID you can add to your listings to help manage and keep track of your stock.

Click the circle next to "Show Tracked Listings Only" above the report to hide your untracked listings.

Click the "Track Changes" button on any listing to start tracking changes to its title, tags, price, quantity available, views, and favorites.

Free members can track one listing, Basic members can track up to five listings, Pro members can track up to 20 listings, and Expert members can track up to 50 listings.

If you hide your untracked listings, you can view each tracked listing’s main image, Title, listing ID (a unique ID number assigned by Etsy to the listing, displayed to the right of each title), SKU, total views, and total favorites. You can also see the date of its most recent snapshot.

Click the "Stop Tracking" button on any tracked listing when you want to stop monitoring a listing. Please note that if you stop tracking a listing, you will lose all of the data eRank has collected for it.

If you have any inactive tracked listings, they will display as “Unavailable” underneath your active tracked listings. However, you can still view changes made to those listings while they were active.

Use the "Filter..." field in the green bar to filter specific listings from within the report.

If you are a Basic member, Pro member, or Expert member, click the orange "Export" button to export, copy, or print the report for future reference.

2. View Listing Changes

Click the orange "Show Changes" button on any tracked listing to view its daily changes since you started monitoring it.

If you need to revise your listing, click "Edit on Etsy" to edit it on Etsy.

eRank takes a snapshot of each tracked listing’s stats every 24 hours, between midnight and 2AM EST. If you make several changes in one day, the snapshot will only capture the latest changes made during the previous 24 hours.

Changes to your title and tags will display as green highlighted text for new terms and red highlighted text with strike-through characters for deleted terms.

Changes to Quantity Available, Total Views, and Total Favorites are displayed in green (positive) numbers and red (negative) numbers.

Please note that some Etsy shoppers add items to their Favorites as a method of bookmarking a future purchase and then remove it post-purchase. Because of this, you may see a listing’s Total Favorites decrease every once in awhile.

Use the "Filter..." field in the green bar to filter your listing's snapshots.

Click the "Listing Audit" button to run an in-depth analysis of its images, tags, description, and more. This feature shows you how well your listing complies with the guidelines found in Etsy’s The Ultimate Guide to Etsy Search and Google Search Essentials.

Click "Edit on Etsy" to edit the listing on Etsy.

If you are a Basic member, Pro member, or Expert member, click the orange "Export" button on the far right to export, copy, or print the list for future reference.

Who can use this?

This tool is available to all eRank members.

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